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Friday, February 17, 2012

Hazaras and Turis Australia Bound

There are a lot of cab drivers from Kurram Agency in Dubai, specifically from Parachinar.  Being Turi Shia, they tend to be quite 'pro-Pakistan Army' as they've been at the receiving end of sectarian violence.  For them, the enemy and dangers won't go away after NATO leaves.  Their enemies are people who speak their own language, read their own Koran and pray in the same direction.

Like the Hazaras of Quetta, they have also begun seeking safer pastures.  One of the cab drivers said that the first 200 Parachinaris have made it to Australia after heading to an Indonesian island close by and illegally entering Aussie waters.  They are lured by dreams of jobs, a passport in 3 years and more importantly living in a place where they will not be open targets for believing in a different form of religion.  He expects droves of his fellows to follow suit.

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